Child Education
Department characteristics
Point1 Credentials/License to work in daycare, kindergarten, elementary school, and special-needs school
The students are offered 4 options to choose from in acquiring credentials/license to teach, including daycare, kindergarten, elementary school, or special-needs school. After graduation, they will actively participate in the community with their extensive knowledge and expertise. Since the academic courses are not divided according to the type of credential/license they may choose, the students are able to take their time to explore their career options while learning about different stages of the child development as well as education and social welfare systems.

Point2 Students have opportunities to meet a number of children while they are still in school
As special characteristics of the curriculum offered in our university, the students will have many opportunities to have on-site experience, such as volunteering in the community and providing support to families raising children. The students study principles in the classroom and put them in practice, then come back to the principles from what they learned in practice. By repeating that process, the students will steadily learn strong leadership practical and required in a real-world childcare and classroom situations.

Point3 Communicate the fascination of nature
The issues regarding environment, agriculture, and food are becoming important topics in the educational situations. In this department, the students are offered to take classes for environmental education, agricultural experience, and dietary education that make the best use of the tradition of Minami Kyushu University and rich natural environment of Miyakonojo. These learning experiences will inspire the students to become a teacher who can communicate the importance of having contact with nature and life that have been attracting and developing the children's mind ever since olden days.

License/credentials available to acquire
- Childcare certificate
- Kindergarten teaching license Class 1
- Elementary school teaching license Class 1
- Special-needs school teaching license Class 1
- Social welfare manager certificate
- Recreation instructor certificate