Minami Kyushu University is engaged in the basic and applied study for “food”, “green”, and “people” to develop human resources that will contribute to the society in the specialized fields.

University Information

Nutrition Management

Department characteristics

Point1 Foster "Registered dietitians" with rich sense of humanity

All graduates from this department will obtain a dietitian certificate. The final goal is to pass the national exam for national registered dietitian. As soon as completing the courses, the students will be qualified to take the national exam. National registered dietitians are qualified to give high-skilled supervision for the nutrition treatment necessary for sick or injured patients according to their physical conditions by taking advantage of their expertise. Their skills are also highly demanded and relied on in the society.

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Point2 Registered dietitians play an important role in the latest team medical care

With the increase of life-style diseases, there are increasing opportunities to play active roles for national registered dietitians who give support to the patients from nutrition's point of view. Registered dietitians are also playing important roles in a team medicine where doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and registered dietitians work together by exchanging opinions and information from their own perspectives aiming for more effective treatment.

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Point3 Made it possible because this is the only school in Miyazaki prefecture for the people pursuing to be registered dietitian

As of 2013, this is the only school in Miyazaki prefecture that offers students to obtain dietitian certificate upon graduation. That is why our university is favored by the students who intend to stay in their hometown after graduation. In addition, a number of faculty staff members in the university have work experience as registered dietitian in Miyazaki prefecture, which is an advantage for the students in terms of networking with the local medical/welfare institutes and administrative organization, where the students could seek for employment in future.

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License/credentials available to acquire

  • Qualification to take the national exam for registered dietitian
  • Dietitian license
  • Nutrition teaching license Class 1
  • Food sanitation inspector
  • Food sanitation supervisor