Miyazaki Campus
The students aim to be a spiritually rich food specialist in the city of Miyazaki that has an easy access to nature.
Under the strong sunlight, the city's vibrant life is just by your side, it seems. In the field with nature and city life directly linked to each other, the students learn the way of food and the responsibility to maintain the food safety while feeling an intimate connection with the people's life.
Characteristics of Miyazaki city
Miyazaki city is located along the coastal line running north-south for about 36 km. The city enjoying the mild climate aims to be a hospitable cosmopolitan resort city. It is also working hard to realize "Sports Land Miyazaki"
Access to Miyazaki city
Facilities - Miyazaki Campus
Aiming to foster "Food specialist" in Miyazaki, a place of green and cultural activities
There is a cultural park with vivid green grass, and an art theater adjacent to the campus, and further there is Miyazaki Jingu Shrine. While being located in downtown, the Miyazaki Campus is surrounded by attractive green environment. This is a home for the students of the Health and nutrition department. By taking advantage of fully equipped experiment facilities and labs with sophisticated devices, they work to be "food specialist" for the new age while letting each of their personality shine.
Building No. 1
TThis is the main building completed in 2003, as a symbol of the Miyazaki Campus.

Student co-op (shop)(1F)
In addition to the stationeries necessary for classes and daily life, books and food are also available to purchase.

Student cafeteria(1F)
The food is sold by measure in this buffet style cafeteria. It is open to the general public.

Employment information(1F)
Specialized staff members are stationed to provide employment information for the students. There is abundant information here.

Information processing lab(1F)
In this PC room, the students may use not only the office software, but also some other specialized software.

Clinical nutrition lab(1F)
The lab is equipped with facilities used in clinical situations, such as beds, care equipments, and measuring devices for physical fitness.

Student counseling room(2F)
The students have an access to empathetic counselors whenever they have trouble in the student life.

The total of about 110,000 items include many different types of materials from general newspaper to specialized books.

Audiovisual room(2F)
It is located in the library area. The students may watch the DVDs and CDs checked out from the library.

Laboratory 1(5F)
The student of the Department of Food science and technology use this lab for food experiments.

Physics and chemistry lab(6F)
The lab is equipped with specialized devices and equipments.

Food processing lab(6F)
The students of the Department of Nutrition management and the Department of Food science and technology use this lab.

Green park
Green grass areas found in various locations throughout the campus. The extensive green space provides many students with a place to relax as a healing spot.

Tea ceremony room
It is located in the Building No. 2. The visitors enjoy authentic tea ceremony experience in this full-scale facility.

There are free-of-charge parking lots on campus to facilitate the students commuting by car.

Building No. 3
There is an arena as well as classrooms in the same building. This comprehensive facility fully equipped with training room and shower room may be used not only for PE classes, but also for athletic club activities.

It is located within the new and large arena (Building No.3). There is shower room and changing room provided.

Club house
The club house newly added in 2011 is extensively used for circle activities.